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 Hereford Applefest 

This project was my first ever project in college. 
We had to work with a live brief for the Hereford Applefest, and were given a selection of options to design; posters, banners, bunting, and other forms of advertisement. 
After doing a few character and illustration design pages, I decided on poster design, and started developing my ideas further. 

I experimented with scanning drawings and ideas, and then printing them out on top of each other, layering colours and patterns in different ways. 
Once I had a collection of different outcomes, I then drew out some final illustrations using my apple character designs as inspiration. 
I then added text and scanned and printed in a few different colours before finalising my project.

My sketchbook design pages.

Further developing my apple characters...

I pieced together a collection of images and my own drawn patterns, which I then collaged and photocopied in different colours.

One of my final outcomes for this project.

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